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Guidance Documents
Air General Permits
Air Excess Emissions
Community Right To Know
Release & Pollution Prevention Reporting & Planning
Private Well Testing Act
Underground Storage Tanks
User Profile information is reviewed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to validate user access and data entered. The eNJEMS Portal System Administrator reserves the right to contact you and/or the company for which you are requesting electronic access in order to validate your User Profile.

1. Enter a User Profile Name (e.g. John Smith)

* User Name: Up to 40 characters.

2. Access

* User ID: Up to 30 characters.
* User PIN: Must be at least 6 characters.
* Retype User PIN:
3. User Mailing Address Contact Information
Address Line 1: * Phone: Ext.:
Address Line 2: Fax:
Address Line 3: * E-mail:
City: Organization:
4. You are required to complete at least one of the following sections unless applying for an initial UST registration, submitting Drinking Water Reports (eDWR), or submitting NJ Quantitation Limit Reports. In order to transact business (submit a permit, fill out a survey or report, make a payment) with a NJDEP Regulatory Program, the program-specific ID must be entered here. If you would like to add a new program to your existing profile, begin by selecting program(s) from the program selection list below. Hold down the Ctrl key to select more than one program. Once you have selected the program(s) you wish to add, please click the ADD button to the right of the program selection box.
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Copyright © State of New Jersey, 1996-2004
Department of Environmental Protection
P. O. Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

Last Updated: June 24, 2004